wade through로 헤쳐나가다 표현하기
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wade through로 헤쳐나가다 표현하기

by an eager learner 2023. 5. 19.


오늘의 표현은 '헤쳐나가다.' 입니다.

'헤쳐나가다' 는 'wade through'를 사용해서 표현할 수 있습니다.


I'm trying to wade through this. (헤쳐나가려고 노력 중이야)


'wade through' 표현을 영상으로 살펴보기 


1. I've waded through a sweaty parade.



2. After wading through all of the hurt, 



아래 키워드로 영작해보기

Key words: wade through, continual practice, skilled


어떤 일을 능숙하게 하고 싶다면, 당신은 긴 시간동안 반복적인 연습을 헤쳐나갈 준비가 되어있어야 해요.


If you want to become skilled something,
you must be prepared to wade through long hours of continual practice.


퀴즈로 배운 내용 익히기

1. Fill in the blank with the correct forms of "wade through"


  • I had to ____________ a pile of paperwork to find the document I needed.
  • The students were determined to ____________ the challenging textbook to prepare for the exam.
  • It took me hours to ____________ the long email chain and find the important buried with

2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence using ":wade through."

  • The hiker had to (wade through / swim through) a muddy trail to reach the mountain peak.
  • Sarah had to (fly through / wade through) a stack of reserach papers to gather the necessary data for her project.
  • The detective had to (climb through / wade through) a mountain of evidence to solve the complex case.


3. Rearrange the words to form a sentence using "wade through."

  • reports / to / The / had / countless / analyst / financial / wade through.


  • emails / through / I / had to / my / inbox/ wade.



  • team / to / The / had / paperwork / wade thorugh / administrative / a.



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