오늘 학습할 표현은 '호전되다, 개선되다' 입니다.
영어로 'turn around'로 표현할 수 있습니다. <사업∙인생 등이> 더 나아지거나 경기에서 <시합 등이> 전세가 역전될 때 사용할 수 있습니다.
'turn out' 은 또 다른 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 결과를 표현할 때 사용하기 좋은 'turn out' 을 학습하고 싶다면 아래 배너를 클릭해주세요.
다양한 영상 속 오늘의 표현 살펴보기
1. She has completely turned my life around.
2. How have I turned my life around?
3. My life turned around when I found my passion.
대화문으로 'turn around' 표현활용법 살펴보기
Step1 대화문 읽으면서 표현 살펴보기
Lisa: I heard your team was struggling at the beginning of the season. What happened?
Mike: Yeah, we lost our first four games, but we managed to turn things around.
Lisa: That’s impressive! How did you turn around the situation?
Mike: Our coach changed our strategy, and we started working better as a team. Now, we’re on a five-game winning streak!
Lisa: That’s amazing! I knew you guys would turn it around.
리사: 시즌 초반에 팀이 어려움을 겪고 있다고 들었어요. 무슨 일이 있었나요?
마이크: 네, 처음 네 경기를 잃었지만 상황을 반전시킬 수 있었습니다.
리사: 인상적이네요! 상황을 어떻게 반전시켰나요?
마이크: 코치님께서 전략을 바꾸셨고, 우리는 팀으로서 더 잘 일하기 시작했습니다. 이제 우리는 5연승을 달리고 있습니다!
리사: 정말 대단하네요! 여러분이 반전시킬 줄 알았어요.
Step 2 퀴즈 풀면서 대화문 내용 이해하기
- What problem did Mike’s team face at the beginning of the season?
- A. They lost their first four games.
- B. They didn’t have a coach.
- C. They didn’t have enough players.
- Answer: A. They lost their first four games.
- How did the team turn things around?
- A. They got a new coach.
- B. They changed their strategy and worked better as a team.
- C. They started cheating.
- Answer: B. They changed their strategy and worked better as a team.
- What is happening with Mike’s team now?
- A. They are still losing.
- B. They are on a winning streak.
- C. They quit the season.
- Answer: B. They are on a winning streak.
- What does "turn around" mean in this conversation?
- A. Change direction physically
- B. Make a situation better
- C. Stop playing
- Answer: B. Make a situation better
Step 3 추가 대화문 살펴보고, 퀴즈 풀기 (Life improvement)
Emma: I can’t believe how much Jake’s life has changed. He used to be in a really bad place.
David: Yeah, I know. He was struggling with his job and had a lot of stress. But he really turned his life around.
Emma: What happened?
David: He started taking care of his health, found a new job he loves, and even moved into a nicer apartment.
Emma: That’s amazing! It’s inspiring to see how someone can turn things around with effort and determination.
- What was Jake’s situation before?
- A. He was doing great at work.
- B. He was struggling with his job and stress.
- C. He was traveling the world.
- Answer: B. He was struggling with his job and stress.
- How did Jake turn his life around?
- A. He changed his job, focused on his health, and moved.
- B. He won the lottery.
- C. He ignored his problems.
- Answer: A. He changed his job, focused on his health, and moved.
- What does “turn around” mean in this conversation?
- A. Change a situation for the better
- B. Physically turn in a different direction
- C. Give up on something
- Answer: A. Change a situation for the better
- What lesson can we learn from Jake’s story?
- A. Life changes only happen by luck.
- B. Making an effort can turn things around.
- C. It’s impossible to improve a bad situation.
- Answer: B. Making an effort can turn things around.
영작으로 오늘의 학습 마무리하기
- 회사는 손실을 보고 있었지만 새로운 CEO가 상황을 개선시키는 데 도움을 주었습니다.
- 두 번의 시험에서 떨어진 후, 그녀는 더 열심히 공부하여 성적을 올렸습니다.
- 그 식당은 어려움을 겪고 있었지만, 좋은 평가로 사업이 호전되었습니다.
- 그는 힘든 하루를 보내고 있었지만, 친구의 깜짝 방문으로 상황이 나아졌습니다.
- 하프타임에 팀이 지고 있었지만, 경기를 뒤집고 승리했습니다!
- The company was losing money, but a new CEO helped turn things around.
- After failing two tests, she turned her grades around by studying harder.
- The restaurant was struggling, but good reviews turned its business around.
- He was having a bad day, but his friend’s surprise visit turned it around.
- The team was losing at halftime, but they turned the game around and won!