play it by ear 로 '상황 보고 결정하다' 표현하기
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play it by ear 로 '상황 보고 결정하다' 표현하기

by an eager learner 2025. 3. 7.

오늘  학습할 표현은 '상황을 보고 결정하다' 입니다.  

영어로 'play it by ear' 로 표현할 수 있습니다. 어떤 상황에서 사용하는 지 학습을 통해 살펴봅시다.


참고로, 'play something by ear' 에서 something 에 악기가 들어가면 악보를 보지 않고 듣기만 하고 연주하는 것을 표현할 때 사용합니다. 

e.g. He heard jass records at home and played the piano by ear.  




다양한 영상 속 오늘의 표현 살펴보기

1. I analyze games. What actually happend or not what could have happened. And I play it by ear.

Like Capablanca.


2. So, what's the plan with Yitzchok?

- I was gonna play it by ear.


3. So are you home for good then?

- No, it's playing it by ear. To be determined.


대화문으로 'play it ear' 표현활용법 살펴보기

Step 1 대화문 읽으면서 오늘의 표현 살펴보기 


A: What’s the plan for this weekend?
B: I’m not sure yet. Let’s just play it by ear.
A: You mean, we won’t make any plans?
B: Yeah, we’ll decide what to do depending on the situation.
A: That sounds fun! I like being spontaneous.



A: 이번 주말 계획은 무엇인가요?
B: 아직 잘 모르겠어요. 그냥 상황을 봐서 결정하려고요. 
A: 아무 계획도 세우지 않겠다는 말인가요?
B: 네, 상황에 따라 어떻게 할지 결정하려고요.

A: 재미있을 것 같네요! 저는 즉흥적인 게 좋아요.


Step 2 퀴즈 풀면서 대화문 내용 이해하기


  1. What does B mean by "play it by ear"?
    A) Make a strict schedule
    B) Decide things as they happen
    C) Listen to music all day
    D) Plan everything in advance
    (Answer: B)
  2. Why does A say "That sounds fun"?
    A) A likes being spontaneous
    B) A doesn’t like surprises
    C) A wants to follow a schedule
    D) A is busy this weekend
    (Answer: A)
  3. What is the conversation about?
    A) Planning for a trip
    B) Choosing a restaurant
    C) Making weekend plans
    D) Studying for an exam
    (Answer: C)
  4. What does B suggest doing?
    A) Making a detailed plan
    B) Cancelling all plans
    C) Doing things without a fixed plan
    D) Going to a concert
    (Answer: C)
  5. What does A ask at the beginning?
    A) "What’s the plan for this weekend?"
    B) "Do you like music?"
    C) "Are you busy?"
    D) "Did you finish your homework?"
    (Answer: A)

Step 3 Role-playing 하면서 오늘의 표현 연습하기



A: What’s the plan for this weekend?


B: 아직 잘 모르겠어요. 그냥 상황을 봐서 결정하려고요. 

-> I’m not sure yet. Let’s just play it by ear.


A: You mean, we won’t make any plans?



B: 네, 상황에 따라 어떻게 할지 결정하려고요.

-> Yeah, we’ll decide what to do depending on the situation.


A: That sounds fun! I like being spontaneous.


영작으로 오늘의  학습 마무리하기

  1. 우리 여행 일정은 정해져 있지 않아요. 그냥 즉흥적으로 해요. (a set schedule)
  2. 연설을 준비하지 않았으니 즉흥적으로 해야 할 것 같아요.
  3. 모든 것을 미리 예약하는 대신, 상황을 보고 결정하고, 어떻게 되는지 봅시다.
  4. 그는 엄격한 계획을 좋아하지 않고 즉흥적인 것을 선호합니다. (stric plans)
  5. 날씨가 어떨지 모르기 때문에 상황에 따라 결정해요. (be like)


  1. We don’t have a set schedule for our trip—we’ll just play it by ear.
  2. I didn’t prepare a speech, so I’ll have to play it by ear.
  3. Instead of booking everything in advance, let’s play it by ear and see what happens.
  4. He doesn’t like strict plans; he prefers to play it by ear.
  5. We don’t know what the weather will be like, so let’s play it by ear.


