mess with somebody 로 '~를 건드리다, 얽히다' 표현하기
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mess with somebody 로 '~를 건드리다, 얽히다' 표현하기

by an eager learner 2024. 1. 26.

오늘  학습할 표현은 '건드리다' 입니다. 즉, 누구에게 문제를 일으키다라는 표현을 어떻게 할까요?

영어로 mess with somebody 로 표현할 수 있습니다.  쓸데없이 방해하거나 간섭하여 누군가를 건드리거나 누군가와 얽혔을 때 사용할 수 있습니다. 





내 남동생을 건드린 건 최대 실수였어.

오늘의 표현을 넣어 영작해보세요.
정답은 학습 후 확인할 수 있습니다. :)

다양한 영상 속 오늘의 표현 ' ' 살펴보기

1. It messes with me. It messes with everyone.


2. You mess with my friends, you mess with me!


3. Somebody messes with me, I'm gonna mess with him.


대화문으로 'mess with A ' 표현활용법 살펴보기

Step 1 대화문 읽으며 오늘의 핵심 표현 살펴보기 


A: Did you hear about Jake? He's been telling everyone he's quitting the team.


B: Really? I don't think he would do that. Are you sure he's not just messing with us?


A: I thought the same, but he seemed serious. Maybe he's just messing with our heads.


B: Well, I'm not going to let him mess with my plans. I'll talk to him and see what's really going on.



A: 제이크 얘기 들었어요? 모두에게 팀을 그만둔다고 했어요.

B: 정말요? 그럴 리가 없을 것 같은데, 저희한테 장난치는 게 확실한가요?

A: 저도 그렇게 생각했는데, 진지한 것 같았어요. 우리 머리를 어지럽히는 건지도 몰라요.

B: 글쎄, 그 사람이 제 계획을 망치는 것은 내버려 두지 않을 거예요. 그 사람한테 얘기해서 무슨 일인지 알아볼게요.




Step2 퀴즈 풀면서 대화문 내용 이해하기


1. Multiple Choice:

What is Jake telling everyone?

a) He's quitting the team. b) He's starting a new project. c) He's taking a vacation. d) He's joining a different team.


2. True or False:

A is convinced that Jake is not serious about quitting the team. a) True b) False


3. Fill in the Blank:

B decides to talk to Jake to find out what's really going on and not let him _______ with their plans.



1. a) He's quitting the team.

2. False

3. mess



Step3  B의 입장이 되어 Role-play해보기


A: Did you hear about Jake? He's been telling everyone he's quitting the team.


B: 정말요? 그럴 리가 없을 것 같은데, 저희한테 장난치는 게 확실한가요?

Really? I don't think he would do that. Are you sure he's not just messing with us?


A: I thought the same, but he seemed serious. Maybe he's just messing with our heads.


B: 글쎄, 그 사람이 제 계획을 망치는 것은 내버려 두지 않을 거예요. 그 사람한테 얘기해서 무슨 일인지 알아볼게요.

Well, I'm not going to let him mess with my plans. I'll talk to him and see what's really going on.


영작으로 오늘의  학습 마무리하기

1. 그 교수님 건드리지 마. 정말 엄격하시다고 들었어. (hear)

2. 학교에서 남들을 괴롭히는 애들이랑 얽히지 않는 게 좋아. (bully)

3. 우리 머리를 어지럽히는 건지도 몰라요.(Maybe / out heads)



1. Don't mess with the professor, I heard she's really strict.

2. it's better not to mess with kids who bully others at school.

3. Maybe he's just messing with our heads.



Messing with my brother was the worst mistake ever.

내 남동생을 건드린 건 최대 실수였어.

