오늘 학습할 표현은 존경하다, 우러러보다 입니다.
영어로 respect를 사용할 수도 있고, 어떤 대상을 올려본다는 의미에서 look up to를 사용할 수도 있습니다.
이 회사 직원들은 사장님을 존경한다.
오늘의 표현을 넣어 영작해보세요.
정답은 학습 후 확인할 수 있습니다. :)
다양한 영상으로 look up to 표현 살펴보기
1. The heigjt of nobility, a man of your stature, someone to look up to.
2. People look up to you and even if you win a battle, sometiems they die.
3. It's someone to look up to.
대화문으로 우러러보다 'look up to' 활용해보기
step 1 대화문 읽으며 오늘의 표현 살펴보기
A: Who was your role model growing up?
B: My older sister. I always looked up to her because she was so accomplished and kind.
A: That's wonderful. Do you still look up to her?
B: Absolutely. She continues to inspire me with her achievements and generosity.
A: 성장하면서 롤모델은 누구였나요?
B: 우리 언니. 저는 언니가 정말 대단하고 친절해서 항상 언니를 존경했어요.
A: 멋지네요. 아직도 그녀를 존경하나요?
B: 물론이죠. 그녀는 계속해서 자신의 업적과 관대함으로 저에게 영감을 줍니다.
step2 퀴즈 풀면서 대화문 내용 이해하기
Quiz 1: Multiple Choice
1. What does it mean to "look up to" someone?
a) To criticize them
b) To admire and respect them
c) To compete with them
d) To avoid them
2. Why did person B look up to their older sister?
a) Because she was critical
b) Because she was accomplished and kind
c) Because she was competitive
d) Because she was avoidant
Answers: 1- b) 2-b)
Quiz 2: True or False
1. Person B no longer looks up to their older sister.
- False
2. "Look up to" means to criticize someone.
- False
Quiz 3: Fill in the Blanks
1. Person B looked up to their older sister because she was accomplished and _______.
2. Person A asked if person B still looks up to their older sister, and person B responded, _______.
step 3 B의 입장이 되어 Role-play 해보기
A: Who was your role model growing up?
B: My older sister. ( 저는 언니가 정말 대단하고 친절해서 항상 언니를 존경했어요.)
I always looked up to her because she was so accomplished and kind.
A: That's wonderful. Do you still look up to her?
B: ( 물론이죠. 그녀는 계속해서 자신의 업적과 관대함으로 저에게 영감을 줍니다. ) - inspire, generosity
Absolutely. She continues to inspire me with her achievements and generosity.
핵심 표현으로 영작하며 학습 마무리하기
1. 그것이 사람들이 그녀를 우러러보기 시작한 이유야.
2. 저는 언니가 정말 대단하고 친절해서 항상 언니를 존경했어요.
3. 내가 우러러 보는 사람은 내 부모님입니다.
1. That's why people start looking up to her.
2. I always looked up to my sister because she was so accomplished and kind.
3. The people I look up to are my parents.
Employees in this company look up to thier boss.
이 회사 직원들은 사장님을 존경한다.