'get across'로 전달력 표현하기, His enthusiasm really got across during the interview.
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'get across'로 전달력 표현하기, His enthusiasm really got across during the interview.

by an eager learner 2025. 1. 22.

오늘  학습할 표현은  '<생각∙메시지 등>을 이해시키다, 잘 전달하다' 입니다. 

영어로 'get across' 로 표현할 수 있습니다. 누군가에게 잘 전달하다고 표현하고 싶다면, get across to somebody 로 전치사 'to' 를 활용해보세요. (e.g. This message isn't getting across to the young.)



다양한 영상 속 오늘의 표현 'get across' 살펴보기

1.Seabreeze, I understand your feelings are hurt, but it's hard for them to hear you whnen you're shouting and being mean. The message doesn't get across



2.Oh,okay,Tina,perhaps we should do a non-extreme show. That'll get our point across, right?



3. What we have to get across, I feel, is that fascinating enigma of its.... not-finishedness.

- Mmm, yes, good point, Ade.



대화문으로 'get across' 표현활용법 살펴보기

Step 1 대화문 읽으면서 오늘의 표현 살펴보기 


Lucy: Hey, Jake, how’s your presentation coming along?
Jake: It’s okay, but I’m struggling to get my main point across.
Lucy: What’s the issue? Are the slides too complicated?
Jake: Maybe. I think I’m using too much technical jargon, and it’s confusing people.
Lucy: Try simplifying your language. Focus on one idea at a time to make it easier to get across.
Jake: That’s a good idea. I’ll give it a try. Thanks, Lucy!


루시: 안녕하세요, 제이크. 프레젠테이션은 잘 진행되고 있나요?
제이크: 괜찮습니다. 하지만 요점을 전달하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
루시: 문제가 무엇인가요? 슬라이드가 너무 복잡해요?
제이크: 어쩌면요. 기술적인 전문 용어를 너무 많이 사용해서 사람들을 혼란스럽게 하는 것 같아요.
루시: 말을 단순화해 보세요. 더 쉽게 전달할 수 있도록 한 번에 하나의 아이디어에 집중하세요.
제이크: 좋은 생각이네요. 한번 시도해 보겠습니다. 고마워요, 루시!




Step 2 퀴즈 풀면서 대화문 내용 이해하기


  1. What is Jake struggling with?
    a. Making his slides more colorful
    b. Memorizing his speech
    c. Finding technical jargon for his presentation
    d. Getting his main point across 
    Answer: d. Getting his main point across
  2. What does Lucy suggest Jake should do?
    a. Use simpler language 
    b. Add more slides
    c. Speak faster
    d. Avoid focusing on one idea
    Answer: a. Use simpler language
  3. Why does Jake think people are confused?
    a. The slides are too simple
    b. He’s using too much technical jargon
    c. He’s talking too slowly
    d. He doesn’t have enough information
    Answer: b. He’s using too much technical jargon

Step 3 Role-playing 하면서 오늘의 표현 연습하기



Lucy: 안녕하세요, 제이크. 프레젠테이션은 잘 진행되고 있나요?

-> Hey, Jake, how’s your presentation coming along?

Jake: It’s okay, but I’m struggling to get my main point across.


Lucy: 문제가 무엇인가요? 슬라이드가 너무 복잡해요?

-> What’s the issue? Are the slides too complicated?


Jake: Maybe. I think I’m using too much technical jargon, and it’s confusing people.


Lucy: 말을 단순화해 보세요. 더 쉽게 전달할 수 있도록 한 번에 하나의 아이디어에 집중하세요.

-> Try simplifying your language. Focus on one idea at a time to make it easier to get across.


Jake: That’s a good idea. I’ll give it a try. Thanks, Lucy!


영작으로 오늘의  학습 마무리하기

  1. 교사는 학생들에게 수업 내용을 전달하기 위해 재미있는 이야기를 사용했습니다.
  2. 팀에 전달하기 위해 개념을 세 번이나 설명해야 했습니다.
  3. 그의 열정은 면접 중에 잘 전달되었고, 그는 그 일자리를 얻었습니다.
  4. 귀하의 도움에 얼마나 감사하는지 전달하기 어렵지만 감사합니다!
  5. 영화의 친절함에 대한 메시지는 스토리라인을 통해 아름답게 전달되었습니다.



  1. The teacher used a fun story to get the lesson across to her students.
  2. I had to explain the concept three times to get it across to the team.
  3. His enthusiasm really got across during the interview, and he got the job.
  4. It’s hard to get across how much I appreciate your help, but thank you!
  5. The movie’s message about kindness was beautifully gotten across through its storyline.
