오늘 학습할 표현은 '말하기 껄끄러운 문제' 입니다.
영어로 입 밖으로 내기 부담스러운 문제를 말할 때는 'elephant in the room' 이라고 표현할 수 있습니다.
대부분의 사람들은 말하기 껄끄러운 문제에 직면했을 때, 그것을 말하기를 주저한다.
오늘의 표현을 넣어 영작해보세요.
정답은 학습 후 확인할 수 있습니다.
다양한 영상 속 오늘의 표현 'It's the elephant in the room. ' 살펴보기
1. So, this is awkward, but we should probably address the elephant in the room. - Right.
2. Are we going to talk about it?
- What?
The elephant in the room.
- What elephant?
I guess not then.
- You're referring to today.
3. But I think we should probably talk about the elephant in the room.
대화문으로 '꺼내기 어려운 말 ' 활용법 연습하기
Step 1 대화문 읽으면서 오늘의 핵심 표현 살펴보기
A: We need to talk about the project deadline. It's the elephant in the room, and we can't ignore it any longer.
B: I know, it's been looming over us for weeks. I think we need to discuss a more realistic timeline.
A: Exactly. Pretending it's not there won't make it go away. Let's address the elephant in the room and figure out a plan.
B: I agree. We should schedule a team meeting to openly discuss the challenges and come up with solutions.
A: 프로젝트 마감일에 대해 얘기해야 해요.
B: 그러게요, 벌써 몇 주째 우리를 괴롭히고 있어요. 좀 더 현실적인 일정을 논의해야 할 것 같아요.
A: 맞아요. 없는 척한다고 없어지지는 않아요.
B: 저도 동의합니다. 팀 회의 일정을 정해 당면 과제에 대해 허심탄회하게 논의하고 해결책을 마련해야 합니다.
Step 2 퀴즈 풀면서 대화문 내용 이해하기
1. What does person A mean by "the elephant in the room" in the context of the conversation?
- Person A means that the project deadline, which is a significant and obvious problem, is the elephant in the room. It's an issue that everyone is avoiding or not discussing.
2. How long has the issue of the project deadline been a concern?
- The conversation doesn't specify the exact duration, but it implies that the issue has been a concern for weeks.
3. Why does person A think it's essential to discuss the project deadline?
- Person A believes it's essential to discuss the project deadline because pretending the issue doesn't exist won't solve the problem. They need to address it openly and come up with a plan.
4. What does person B suggest as a next step to address the issue?
- Person B suggests scheduling a team meeting to openly discuss the challenges related to the project deadline and come up with solutions.
Step3 A의 입장이 되어 Role-play 해보기
A: We need to talk about the project deadline. 꺼내기 껄끄러운 문제네요. 더 이상 무시할 수 없어요.
->( It's the elephant in the room, and we can't ignore it any longer.)
B: I know, it's been looming over us for weeks. I think we need to discuss a more realistic timeline.
A: Exactly. Pretending it's not there won't make it go away. 입 밖으로 내기 부담스러운 프로젝트 마감일에 대해 이야기하고, 대책을 세워요.
(-> Let's address the elephant in the room and figure out a plan.)
B: I agree. We should schedule a team meeting to openly discuss the challenges and come up with solutions.
영작으로 오늘의 학습 마무리하기
1. 입 밖으로 내기 부담스러운 프로젝트 마감일에 대해 이야기하고, 대책을 세워요. (let's / figure out)
Answer: Let's address the elephant in the room and figure out a plan.
2. 꺼내기 껄끄러운 문제네요.
Answer: It's the elephant in the room.
3. 우리는 입 밖으로 꺼내기 껄끄러운 문제를 이야기 해야한다고 생각합니다. (I think)
Answer: I think we should probably talk about the elephant in the room.
Quiz Answer:
When facing an elehpant in the room, most people hesitate to address it.