'It's time to' 로 리마인더 표현하기, It's time to go.
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'It's time to' 로 리마인더 표현하기, It's time to go.

by an eager learner 2024. 11. 26.

오늘  학습할 표현은 '~할 시간이야' 입니다.

영어로 'It's time to 동사원형' 을 표현할 수 있습니다. 




다양한 영상 속 오늘의 표현 살펴보기


1. Afterwards, when it is time to leave, you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks. Each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat.


2. She's not going anywhere. I want to make sure that you're not going anywhere either.

- It's time to go. I can name 12 partners who will follow you anywhere.


3. It's time to explore, time to discover, time to breathe.

대화문으로 'It's time to' 표현활용법 살펴보기

Step 1 대화문 읽으면서 오늘의 표현 살펴보기 


A: Wow, it’s not even 8 a.m., and you’re already dressed for the day?
B: Yeah, I have a lot to do today. Plus, it’s already getting warm outside, so I thought I’d get an early start.
A: That’s impressive! By the way, it’s time to leave for the meeting. Are you ready?
B: Almost! Let me grab my notebook, and I’ll be good to go.



A: 와, 아직 오전 8시도 안 됐는데 벌써 옷을 입으셨나요?
B: 네, 오늘은 할 일이 많아요. 게다가 밖은 벌써 따뜻해지니까 일찍 출발해야겠다고 생각했어요.
A: 정말 인상적이네요! 그런데 이제 회의를 위해 출발할 시간이에요. 준비됐나요?
B: 거의 다 됐어요! 내 수첩을 챙겨서 가도록 할게요.


Step 2 퀴즈 풀면서 대화문 내용 이해하기


  1. What time is it in the conversation?
    a. Late at night
    b. Early in the morning
    c. Lunchtime
    Answer: b. Early in the morning
  2. Why is B already dressed?
    a. Because it’s time for lunch
    b. Because they have a lot to do and it’s warm outside
    c. Because they’re going to bed
    Answer: b. Because they have a lot to do and it’s warm outside
  3. What is it time for?
    a. Breakfast
    b. A meeting
    c. A workout
    Answer: b. A meeting


Step 3 let's 와 it's time to 비교하고 활용하기 


누군가에게 제안할 때 "Let's 동사원형"을 쓸 수 있죠? 오늘 배운 "it's time to 동사원형" 과 어떤 차이가 있는지 간단하게 살펴봅시다. 


1. "Let’s"

  • 화자가 청자가 함께 하기 위해 어떤 행동을 제안할 때 주로 사용합니다. 주로 비격식체로 회화체에서 많이 사용합니다. 


  • Let’s go to the park. (We are both going to the park.)
  • Let’s have some coffee before we leave. (A suggestion to drink coffee together.)
  • Let’s call it a day. (A suggestion to stop working for now.)


2. "It’s time to"

  • 특정행동을 지시하거나 일어나야하는 일에 대해 사용합니다. 그래서 지금 당장 해야하는 긴급성애 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 리마인더 또는 지시를 내릴 때 주로 사용합니다. 


  • It’s time to leave for the airport. (A reminder that we need to go now.)
  • It’s time to make a decision. (A hint that you should decide soon.)
  • It’s time to clean your room. (A reminder or instruction to clean up.)


영작으로 오늘의  학습 마무리하기

1. 결정을 내려야 할 시간이다.

2. 쉬는 시간을 가져야 할 때다.

3. 공부에 집중할 시간이다.

4. 벌써 집에 갈 시간이다.

5. 벌써 작별인사를 할 시간이야.



1. It's time to make a decision.

2. It's time to take a break.

3. It's time to focus on your studies.

4. It's already time to go home.
5. It's already time to say goodbye.

