~하는 건 어떤 느낌에요? What is it like to ~? 활용법
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~하는 건 어떤 느낌에요? What is it like to ~? 활용법

by an eager learner 2023. 9. 18.

오늘은 '~하는 건 어떤 느낌이에요?' 입니다.

영어로 'What is it like to ~?'로 표현할 수 있습니다. 'what it is like to ~'의 형태로 살짝 바꾸면 '~라는 건 어떤지', '~하는 게 어떤 느낌인지'의 명사형으로 쓸 수 있습니다. 


결혼하면 어때요?

오늘의 핵심 표현을 넣어 영작해보세요.
정답은 학습 완료 후 확인할 수 있습니다. :)

다양한 영상 속 What is it like 활용법 살펴보기 

1. What is it like to die?


2. So this is what it's like to have friends.




And I get what it's like to be a woman in the kitchen.

Do you know what it's like to be a woman in the kitchen? Wow. That's amazing. Listen. I have been in this kitchen since before you were born.


대화문으로 What is it like to ~? 연습하고 익히기

Step1 대화문 읽으면서 오늘의 표현 살펴보기

A: Have you ever been scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef?


B: No, I haven't. What is it like to explore the underwater world there?


A: It's truly incredible. What it's like to swim among the colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life is hard to put into words.


B: I can imagine. What is it like to witness a humpback whale come out of the surface?


A: It's awe-inspiring. What it's like to see such a massive creature leaping out of the water is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.


A: the Great Barrier Reef에서 스쿠버 다이빙을 해본 적이 있습니까?

B: 아니요. 그곳에서 수중 세계를 탐험하는 것은 어떻습니까?

A: 정말 대단합니다. 형형색색의 산호초와 다양한 해양생물 사이를 헤엄치는 것은 말로 표현하기 어렵습니다.

B: 상상이 되네요. 혹등고래가 수면을 뚫고 나오는 걸 보는 건 어떤 느낌인가요?

A: 정말 신기하네요. 이렇게 거대한 생물이 물 밖으로 뛰어내리는 모습은 일생일대의 경험입니다.


Step2 퀴즈 퀴즈 풀면서 대화문 내용 이해하기

Quiz 1: True or False

1. Person A has never been scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef.

Answer: False


2. Person B has witnessed a humpback whale breach the surface.

Answer: Not mentioned in the dialogue.


3. Person A describes the experience of swimming among coral reefs as hard to describe.

Answer: True


4. Witnessing a humpback whale breach the surface is a common occurrence.

Answer: False


Quiz 2: Short Answer

1. Describe what Person A finds hard to describe in the conversation.

Answer: Person A finds it hard to describe the experience of swimming among the colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life.

2. What is Person B curious to know about in the conversation?

Answer: Person B is curious to know what it is like to witness a humpback whale breach the surface.


Step3 B의 입장이 되어 Role-playing 하기

A: Have you ever been scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef?

B: No, I haven't. What is it like to explore the underwater world there?

(아니요. 그곳에서 수중 세계를 탐험하는 것은 어떻습니까?) 


A: It's truly incredible. What it's like to swim among the colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life is hard to put into words.


B: I can imagine. What is it like to witness a humpback whale come out of  the surface?

(상상이 되네요. 혹등고래가 수면을 뚫고 나오는 걸 보는 건 어떤 느낌인가요?)


A: It's awe-inspiring. What it's like to see such a massive creature leaping out of the water is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.



What is it like to / What it is like to 들어간 문장 작문하면서 학습 마무리하기

1, 형형색색의 산호초와 다양한 해양생물 사이를 헤엄치는 것은 말로 표현하기 어렵습니다. (corla reefs / put into)

Answer: What it's like to swim among the colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life is hard to put into words.


2. 혹등고래가 수면을 뚫고 나오는 걸 보는 건 어떤 느낌인가요? (humpback whale / come out of)

Answer: What is it like to witness a humpback whale come out of the surface?


3, 그곳에서 수중 세계를 탐험하는 것은 어떻습니까? (underwater world)

Answer: What is it like to explore the underwater world there?



What is it like to get/be married? 
(결혼하면 어때요?)


