무언가를 보류하고 싶을 때 'hold off' 를 활용하기, I'd like to hold off on booking accommodations.
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무언가를 보류하고 싶을 때 'hold off' 를 활용하기, I'd like to hold off on booking accommodations.

by an eager learner 2024. 12. 20.

오늘  학습할 표현은 '보류하다, 미루다' 입니다. 

영어로 'hold off' 를 활용할 수 있습니다. ~에 대해 미룰 때는 전치사 on 을 활용해주세요. 즉, 'hold off on doing/something'으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 



다양한 영상 속 오늘의 표현 살펴보기

1. Hold off on the vote?


2. Wait! Hold off. Have him hold off.


3. Well, everybody knows that Hubble's lying, so we're holding off on charges, hoping that a nevous guy like him just does something dumb.



대화문으로 'hold off on' 표현활용법 살펴보기

Step 1 대화문 읽으면서 오늘의 표현 살펴보기 


Sarah: Have you decided whether to buy the new phone yet?
James: Not yet. I think I’ll hold off on making a decision for now.
Sarah: Why? Is there something wrong with it?
James: No, I just want to hold off on the purchase until the next sale.
Sarah: That makes sense. Discounts are always worth the wait.



사라: 새 휴대전화를 구입할지 아직 결정하셨나요?
제임스: 아직은 아니에요. 지금은 결정을 미뤄야 할 것 같아요.
사라: 왜요? 뭔가 문제가 있는 걸까요?
제임스: 아니요, 다음 판매 때까지 구매를 보류하고 싶어요.
사라: 그렇군요. 할인은 항상 기다릴만한 가치가 있죠.


Step 2 퀴즈 풀면서 대화문 내용 이해하기
  1. What does James mean by "hold off on making a decision"?
    a) To decide quickly
    b) To postpone deciding
    c) To cancel his decision altogether
    Answer: b) To postpone deciding
  2. Why does James want to hold off on buying the phone?
    a) Because he doesn’t like the phone
    b) Because he’s waiting for a sale
    c) Because he already bought one
    Answer: b) Because he’s waiting for a sale
  3. What does "hold off on the purchase" mean in the conversation?
    a) To wait before buying
    b) To buy something immediately
    c) To cancel the purchase
    Answer: a) To wait before buying


Step 3 Role-playing 하면서 오늘의 표현 연습하기


Sarah: Have you decided whether to buy the new phone yet?

James: 아직은 아니에요. 지금은 결정을 미뤄야 할 것 같아요.

-> Not yet. I think I’ll hold off on making a decision for now.


Sarah: Why? Is there something wrong with it?


James: 아니요, 다음 판매 때까지 구매를 보류하고 싶어요.

-> No, I just want to hold off on the purchase until the next sale.


Sarah: That makes sense. Discounts are always worth the wait.



영작으로 오늘의  학습 마무리하기

  1. 세부 사항을 다시 확인할 때까지 이메일 전송을 보류하겠습니다. (double-check)
  2. 날짜가 확정될 때까지 여행 계획 세우는 걸 미뤄두자. (confirm)
  3. 예상치 못한 문제로 인해 프로젝트 출시를 연기하기로 결정했습니다. (the project launch)
  4. 메인 코스가 끝날 때까지 디저트를 미루실 수 있나요? 
  5. 일기예보 때문에 파티를 연기해요. (weather forecast)



  1. I’ll hold off on sending the email until I double-check the details.
  2. Let’s hold off on making travel plans until we confirm the dates.
  3. They decided to hold off on the project launch due to unexpected issues.
  4. Can you hold off on dessert until we finish the main course?
  5. We’re holding off on the party because of the weather forecast.


