오늘 학습할 표현은 '~할 가치가 있다.' 입니다.
'be worth' 를 활용하여 영어로 표현할 수 있습니다.
다양한 동영상 속 be worth A 활용법 살펴보기
1. It's not worth it!
2. Looks like I am worth hiring after all.
3. Because it's worth it.
대화문으로 오늘의 핵심 표현 연습하기
Step 1 대화문 읽으면서 be worth 패턴 살펴보기
A: Have you been working out regularly lately?
B: Yes, I've been hitting the gym almost every day. It's tough, but I believe it's worth it to stay healthy.
A: That's great dedication! I've been thinking about starting a fitness routine too.
B: You should definitely consider it. I can tell you from experience that it's worth doing for your overall well-being.
A: I've been hesitant because it seems time- consuming, but hearing your perspective makes me think, "I'm worth doing it."
B: Exactly! Remember, taking care of yourself is always worth it in the long run.
A: 요즘 규칙적으로 운동하고 계세요?
B: 네, 거의 매일 헬스장에서 뛰고 있어요. 힘들지만 건강하게 지낼 가치가 있다고 생각해요.
A: 정말 대단한 헌신이네요! 저도 운동을 시작할까 생각 중이에요.
B: 당연히 고려해보셔야 합니다. 전반적인 건강을 위해 노력할 가치가 있다는 것을 경험상 말씀드릴 수 있습니다.
A: 그동안 시간이 많이 걸리는 것 같아서 망설였는데, 선생님의 의견을 들으니 '내가 할 만하다'는 생각이 들어요
B: 맞아요! 기억하세요, 장기적으로 건강을 지키는 것은 항상 가치가 있다는 것을요.
Step 2 퀴즈 풀면서 be worth A 표현 연습하기
Quiz 1: Fill in the blank with the correct phrase.
1. Person B: Yes, I've been hitting the gym almost every day. It's tough, but I believe it's ________ to stay healthy.
Answer: worth it
Quiz 2: Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
1. Person A: You should definitely consider it. I can tell you from experience that it's ________ for your overall well-being.
a) worth doing
b) not worth the effort
c) worth skipping
d) worth forgetting
Answer: a) worth doing
Quiz 3: True or False.
1. Person A believes that working out regularly is not worth the effort.
Answer: False
2. Person B thinks that taking care of oneself is valuable and worth the time.
Answer: True
Step 3 B의 입장이 되어 Role-playing 해보기
A: Have you been working out regularly lately?
B: Yes, I've been hitting the gym almost every day. It's tough, but I believe it's worth it to stay healthy.
(네, 거의 매일 헬스장에서 뛰고 있어요. 힘들지만 건강하게 지낼 가치가 있다고 생각해요.)
A: That's great dedication! I've been thinking about starting a fitness routine too.
B: You should definitely consider it. I can tell you from experience that it's worth doing for your overall well-being.
(당연히 고려해보셔야 합니다. 전반적인 건강을 위해 노력할 가치가 있다는 것을 경험상 말씀드릴 수 있습니다.)
A: I've been hesitant because it seems time- consuming, but hearing your perspective makes me think, "I'm worth doing it."
B: Exactly! Remember, taking care of yourself is always worth it in the long run.
(맞아요! 기억하세요, 장기적으로 건강을 지키는 것은 항상 가치가 있다는 것을요.)
영작하면서 '~할 가치가 있어' 학습 마무리하기
1. I've been hesitant because it / seems time-consuming, but hearing your perspective / makes me think, "I'm worth doing it."
Answer: I've been hesitant because it seems time-onsuming, but hearing your perspective makes me think, "I'm worth doing it."
2. taking care of yourself is always worth it / in the long run / Remember, /.
Answer: Remember, taking care of yourself is always worth it in the long run.
3.힘들지만 건강하게 지낼 가치가 있다고 생각해요. (tough, stay healthy)
Answer: It's tough, but I believe it's worth it to stay healthy.